Helping Create Employee Purpose
Dan Pink has done some great work at helping us understand motivation. His work suggests motivation has three distinct elements: -...

Launching for 2017: High impact new programmes, flexible to suit your needs
We are proud to be launching our new range of programmes for 2017. These are highly interactive half day or full day modules that can be...
Summer Special
Grab a bargain for the summer 😀...we are waiving the normal delivery charge of Insights Discovery if booked in the month of June. You...

Wear your SCARF if you want to improve your Employee & Customer Experience...
In any organisation, there are people that we manage, and people who manage us. Influencing people to want to perform is the secret of...

Can you afford not to develop your Customer Leadership?
Most people realise that investing in stand alone CX training days do not change the behaviour of front line employees in the long term....

Getting to grips with the 'Service Profit Chain'
One of the questions I often get asked from clients has been, how do large service companies manage to create consistently great...