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This case study explains how IBM improved coaching and mentoring skills with Genos International

Genos International has been working with IBM on a long-term basis and is constantly engaged in developing state of the art programmes that focus on building skills throughout the management structure. All of our work with IBM to date has focused on using our emotional intelligence programmes and assessments to hone mentoring and teaching competence. This case study will focus on one research project which was developed with Genos and IBM to determine the correlation between the emotional intelligence levels of IBM leaders and the employee engagement that resulted from their direct reports.
As can be seen in the graph below this section and as is supported by years of research, high-performance workplaces can come about as a result of employee engagement at a large scale and are most common in a workplace that allows employees to enjoy a higher level of positive emotions.

Genos suggested that observational indications showing the correlation between the emotional intelligence of a leader and employee engagement would assist in strengthening the organisations stance that this was indeed the most important aspect of management (perception, understanding and the management of emotions) and would assist in encouraging high performance personnel where individuals are engaged in their work and experience positive emotional experiences within the workplace.
The Solution
Genos assessed the emotional intelligence of over 200 leaders within the IBM framework, using the 360° Emotional Intelligence model. We then calculated the average emotional intelligence score through ratings given by others.
Genos also assessed the 438 employees who reported directly to these 200 leaders. This assessment was completed using the Genos Employee Engagement Survey, which we used to calculate each individuals psychological and emotional commitment to IBM. We calculate the results analytically by inviting candidates to indicate how strongly they demonstrate the four behaviours indicated in the graphic below.

All of our research and assessments revealed that there is indeed a firm relationship between the level of each leaders emotional intelligence and their respective employees engagement. By studying the graph below you can see that each dot is indicative of an employees engagement assessment result. The leaders emotional intelligence score (percentile) is indicated by the X-axis on the graph; scores ranging from 1-39 would be considered quite low, 40-59 represents an average score and any score above 60 is considered quite high.

As demonstrated in the graph, it is clear to see that employee engagement levels vary significantly (disengaged, engaged and not engaged) where low or average emotional intelligence is present in the corresponding leader. We would expect to see these scores typically in organisations that are low performing or average in terms of revenue. In contrast, where we see high levels of emotional intelligence displayed (above 75%), you can expect to see very high employee engagement results and are typical of employees who work in high performance, successful companies.
Gallup’s research has very clearly demonstrated that companies with a high level of engagement or almost total engagement will earn as much as 3.9 times the earnings (per share) than organisations who display lower or more inconsistent results.