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Email: info@growthperformance.co.uk
"It’s been a fantastic experience working with Growth Performance – they are enthusiastic, helpful and bring a world of experience to the table.”
Leon Restaurants
Validating Insights Discovery

Reliability and Validity
The Insights Discovery system has been registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) and their testing centre (PTC).
As a result of rigorous testing Insights Discovery carries the PTC mark and is sanctioned as a tool suitable for the following uses:
Work and occupational development
Counselling, advice, guidance and career choice (although we do not promote the sole use of Insights Discovery for recruitment selection)
General health and well-being
Testing the Insights Discovery Evaluator
The Insights Discovery model is based on the extensive research of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and the subsequent work of Jolande Jacobi, one of his leading students. The model uses four colours to represent observable behavioural patterns which are measured by the Insights Discovery evaluator; a 25-frame questionnaire of statements from 100 word pairs, which when completed, produces the Insights Discovery Profile.
The evaluator has been tested and updated to measure the quality of the 100 word pairs and weaker ones replaced with stronger ones. They’ve also been tested for reliability and validity in huge numbers to help gauge how robust the word pairs used in the evaluator are. This included testing word pairs that we expected to generate polar opposite results- for example Sunshine Yellow vs Cool Blue and Fiery Red vs Earth Green.
In summary
Due to the rigorous testing of the validity and reliability of the model, when you complete an evaluator you know that it’s an accurate assessment of your unique preferences. And the constant evolution of language means that the Insights Discovery Evaluator will continue to develop. We monitor the Insights Discovery Evaluator in all of its 30+ languages.
Explore our validation process in more detail by downloading the validation information below.